Personal Channeled Painting from your Guides and Energy Reading
Receive the gift of Spiritual Art on canvas, a personal message from your guides, Angels, Ascended Master, and your Highest Sacred I AM presence. This is an opportunity to receive, co-create and call in the channels of creation and open your own personal energetic portal, as every painting is created with a series of integrating Divine Wisdom, a message received in Sacred Space, and Guided by the Light and love. As a LIghtworker and Shamanic healer, this is part of my mission and Divine service for the Collective and teachings for humanity.
The process requires 1-2 hours of an energenic reading within Sacred Space where we call upon one of your personal guides to come forth w inspiration intended for your Spirit in which I also believe is intended for others to see and hear. Within this Space I get to co-create with you a divine unique expression channeled from both of our intentions to the eyes of our community we are building. We are all ONE and therefore the message for ONE of US is for ALL OF US. With this personal painting you help find those who seek Spiritual Art for their own healing. When you heal, we heal.