Spiritual Awakening, Through the Darkest Tunnel into a New Path
By Kimberly Tabay

I have always considered myself a Spiritual person... I believe that many deep rooted wounds and challenges have shaped my life in many ways. In March of this year, I went through the darkest tunnels of my sorrow over and over again until I was on my knees and cried to my angels and said... "This can't be God!" and my angels replied to me and said, "It's not, it's your suffering." This was a pivotal point in my awareness of the choices I have made to continue to suffer whether it be by habit, a learned behavior, a trauma response, scarcity... etc. All I know is that God showed me that I have an option to be FREE and he said to me, "No matter the challenge or adversity you have a choice Kimberly and I want you to choose the Miracle every single time."
So here I am on my new path and the compassion I've shown others, I've been asked to show myself that same compassion. This is my first lesson in my new awakening. I choose that I am the miracle and my unique journey has lead me to know that I am here to Co-Create with the one true Source of Light and Love. The only way I honor that is through being my true authentic Highest Self in which God meet's me exactly where I'm at and supports me with Love to reach for everything I'm becoming.
Come and co-create with me... this new path. July 22 @ 5:30 pm PST.